ABBIE EMMONS has been writing stories ever since she could hold a pencil. What started as an intrinsic love for storytelling became her lifelong passion. For over six years, Emmons has been sharing her wisdom on her YouTube channel, where she teaches writers how to make their stories matter by harnessing the power and psychology of storytelling to transform their ideas into masterpieces.

A self-taught expert with years of rigorous study in the writing craft, Emmons has discovered an essential truth: “Story is the best teacher of story.” Drawing on her passion for psychology and neuroscience, she has made it her mission to decode the “story instincts” we all naturally possess. Her groundbreaking approach unlocks the hidden structure and emotional depth that make stories impactful.

What started as a personal quest to improve her writing skills has overflowed into a vibrant online community of half a million passionate writers who have connected with Emmons’ creed to “make your story matter.” Emmons went on to launch Abbie’s Story University, an online learning platform that has attracted thousands of students worldwide. Through monthly live lectures and in-depth courses, Abbie’s Story University offers comprehensive instruction on creative writing, editing, publishing, and more, nurturing a thriving community of writers dedicated to honing their craft.